Issue #49 Fictions And Realities
I didn’t watch the Oscars.
Instead I fired up the Roku and settled in with some popcorn and the romantic comedy “Notting Hill”.
Very quickly realizing that I had, ironically, traded one example of Hollywood navel gazing for another.
Sure, there are all the bits of the film that show the love story between Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant, and the completely British silliness of the weird roommate, but much of the film is about the machinery that drives the business of movie making.
In one famous scene, Julia Roberts’ character, in an attempt to “win” a brownie she can’t even eat if she wants to maintain her A-list star figure, delivers a monologue containing this line:
“And, one day not long from now, my looks will go, they will discover I can't act and I will become some sad middle-aged woman who looks a bit like someone who was famous for a while.“
Needless to say, this has not happened to the fabulously successful and beautiful Ms. Roberts.
But it led me to look her up on Wikipedia to see what she’s been up to lately and I was struck by the fact that almost every photo on her page is at least 15 years old.
And why not?
Is there anything so wrong with having the version of yourself that pops up on the internet be the version you like best?
And if she can do it, so can the rest of us.
Copyright© 2024 Anne Morse Hambrock All rights reserved.
Garden Perseverance
It’s always striking to me how forcefully the seemingly delicate foliage tips of daffodils can push up through whatever carpeting of mulch we’ve laid down the year before. In the case of the ones on the left, they are actually lifting a giant clump of mulch with them.
At the same time, the group on the right is forming flowers that should burst open any time now. Stay tuned…
Bonus Image
There is shedding and then there is whatever this is.
Keep The Messages Coming!
A big “thank you” to all of you who have messaged me commented or hit “like” after reading my poems and commentary!
I appreciate the feedback and knowing how often I have struck a chord with your lives.
Remember, you can always hit the “archives” tab to see more or catch up on posts you may have missed.