I have come down with the crud.
I dodged and weaved (Wove? Weaved?) all through the holiday season, avoiding germ after germ.
So proud of myself and my immune system.
Maybe even a little cocky.
Yeah, well.
Ask not for whom the virus bell tolls.
It tolls for thee.
In between the fits of coughing there are the fits of sneezing and the need to avail oneself of approximately 7000 “facial tissues”.
In the midst of one particularly productive blow I happened to think about what life was like for the nasally compromised back in the day of the cloth handkerchief. (Or worse, coat sleeve.)
And just ew.
And thank goodness for the geniuses at Kimberly Clark in 1924. Originally created to remove cold cream, “Kleenex” truly was the first of these tissues we so take for granted. (According to Wikipedia only one culture – the Japanese – routinely used disposable paper for nasty sinus contents prior to that time.)
I try to be environmentally responsible.
I know that means conserving paper – going paperless whenever possible.
But I have met my environmental waterloo.
And it is the laundering of 50 snot filled hankies.
Copyright© 2024 Anne Morse Hambrock All rights reserved.
Do I Haaaave To?
The bug I am battling comes with what can best be described as a general malaise.
An inability to give much of a s@#$ about anything other than napping.
Even playing solitaire on my phone has me saying “Meh. That’s too much trouble.”
Or, to again reference the Japanese, “mendokusai”.
(You might want to look that word up – it is such a perfect summation of that zone between things you must do and things you can get away with not doing.)
But I was gifted an extremely warm day yesterday and felt forced to emerge from my mucus lined cocoon and stagger to the front yard to take down all the Christmas decorations.
My burst of energy did not extend to the putting away of said decorations. I opted merely to fling them all onto the dining room table before returning to bed.
They will ultimately find their way into proper storage.
But for now…
Soothing Music
When I don’t feel well I can’t listen to loud or up tempo music - I need that stuff from the SPA channel on Sirius. I have a few tunes of my own that fit that bill and this is one of them.
I’ve talked about the fact that my music is truly transatory - it is almost always at least 85% improvized which means no two performances are ever the same.
Sometimes that backfires on me. The only version of this tune I have is from an old live concert - and, despite my best efforts I’ve never really been able to recapture it.

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Keep The Messages And Comments Coming!
I appreciate the feedback and knowing how often I have struck a chord with your lives.
I break out the Puffs Plus if I have any heavy duty stuff going on.
But I started cutting up old tshirts to use (at home) when I'm only having a drippy nose.
At times the old house we live in can be quite chilly and apparently nose decided it had enough of that.
I was using WAY too many tissues.
The tee "hankies" are so soft and not too icky. And I'm also a klutz who spill things a lot, so I've cut down on paper towel usage as well lol
That was incredibly beautiful music! Thank you for sharing…. I’m curious about the drummer though (I was a percussionist in high school/college). Does he accompany you on some music?